ChristieHQ is the production company founded by director Mike Christie, and based both in London and near Bristol.
Our work includes productions such as Hansa Studios: By The Wall 1976-90 for Sky Arts, Concrete Circus and The Secret Life Of Buildings for Channel 4, a host of films for London 2012 including the opening films for both the Paralympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, and work for some of the world's biggest brands, including Red Bull.
Great stories and spectacular content, from ninety seconds to ninety minutes.
Telephone020 3189 1180
AddressUnits 15/16, 7 Wenlock Road
London N1 7SL, England
Michael C Christie Ltd t/as ChristieHQ registered company number 07075023.
Registered office: Units 15/16, 7 Wenlock Rd, London N1 7SL, England, UK.
24.04.21 / CHQ+ZINC=SUPERCOLLIDERWe're very pleased to announce that CHQ has expanded into an exciting new venture with Zinc Media called SUPERCOLLIDER. The new website is getting underway and in the meantime there's lots of press to explain what it's all about, including this piece in Televisual. Much more to come!
09.04.21 / NEW ORDER: TV SPECIAL, SKY ARTSA special, 90-minute, TV version of our concert film, New Order: Education Entertainment Recreation, airs on Sky Arts on Saturday, April 10th, 2021. The full length 135-minute concert film is released on BluRay and multiple formats through Warners Music on May 7th, 2021. Here's a sneak preview, one of our favourite New Order songs Bizarre Love Triangle.
22.02.21 / NEW ORDER: EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT RECREATIONThe CHQ concert film 'New Order: Education Entertainment Recreation', directed by Mike Christie, is released on May 7, 2021 on a glorious range of formats. The film continues the immersive graphic style of Mike's New Order Decades film and is over two hours long. A shorter TV version is distibuted by White Light.
09.11.20 / NEW ORDER / LIVE AT ALEXANDRA PALACEOn the anniversary of the gig itself, New Order have announced that the concert film of their amazing Alexandra Palace concert, made for them by CHQ and directed by Mike Christie, is being released by Warner Music in April on all formats. More details on their social channels - and much more to come nearer the time of release.
12.12.18 / SUEDE: THE INSATIABLE ONES / DVD RELEASEAmazing response since the first broadcast of Suede: The Insatiable Ones: "The ugly beautiful truth is a must watch” - GQ MAGAZINE. “Painfully honest and deeply moving… Mike Christie’s portrait of Brett Anderson’s 1990s glam-pop outsiders gets everything right.” - THE SUNDAY TIMES. “Stunning” - LOUDER THAN WAR. "Fascinating and uncomfortable, brutally honest and painfully raw” - DISARM MAGAZINE. Suede: The Insatiable Ones is released on DVD on April 12th, 2019. Pre-order here. International TX news and other format release info to follow here and via @suedemovie
12.09.18 / SUEDE: THE INSATIABLE ONES / SKY ARTS & BMG FILMSWe are delighted to announce a major new documentary feature by Mike Christie. ‘Suede: The Insatiable Ones’ has been commissioned by Sky Arts, produced by ChristieHQ, and is a Sky Arts and BMG Films co-production. Brett Anderson, Mat Osman, Simon Gilbert, Richard Oakes and Neil Codling are joined in the film by an eclectic cast that includes former band members Justine Frischmann and ex-Smith Mike Joyce. Also present are Ricky Gervais, part of their early management team, as well as family, friends and collaborators, including Richard Osman, legendary art director Peter Saville, Nude founder Saul Galpern, and producer Ed Buller. The film airs in the UK on Nov 24th, 9pm, Sky Arts. Press and PR: Worldwide distribution:
27.07.18 / HANSA STUDIOS: BY THE WALL / SHORTLIST FOR GRIERSONChuffed to bits to hear our feature 'Hansa Studios: By The Wall 1976-90' has been shortlisted for the Grierson Best Music or Arts Documentary 2018!
08.12.17 / HANSA STUDIOS: BY THE WALL 1976-90 / SKY ARTSWe are delighted to announce our latest film, Hansa Studios: By The Wall 1976-90, a ninety-minute documentary about Berlin’s legendary Hansa Studios. Standing virtually alone in the wasteland of West Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz, metres from the Berlin Wall, it was a studio at the edge of the western world. Here David Bowie immortalised the same wall in “Heroes”, while his flatmate Iggy Pop found a Lust For Life and was inspired to write The Passenger riding the city’s U Bahn and S Bahn. Countless notable, international artists followed including Depeche Mode, Nick Cave, Marillion and U2 – whose Achtung Baby sessions were the final chapter in the studio’s incredible 20th century life. The film features unprecedented access to the artists, engineers, producers, studios and immersive, evocative archive. It premieres on Jan 10th, 2018 on Sky Arts, and, we're delighted to say, has already been selected for multiple film festivals. Trailers and further details to follow. Press enquiries: contact MCPR.
30.06.17 / NEW MUSIC FEATURE DOCUMENTARYThe team are currently in the final weeks of production on a major, feature-length music documentary for Sky Arts, produced and directed by Mike Christie. It's about a legendary place and features a brilliant and large cast of very well known musicians and producers. We're itching to tell you more - but we can't yet! Watch this space.
02.11.16 / THE ART SHOWThe CHQ team have spent the last eighteen months working as part of Greystone making The Art Show - an exciting new arts magazine show for broadcast early 2017. You can read and watch more about it here.
21.11.14 / WAITING/ONE.ORGCHQ Director Mike Christie spent November working with the One Campaign to put together this powerful film called Waiting. The great creative from One's Roxane Philson and Meagan Bond is a direct comment on the slow response to the Ebola crisis. The commercial was shot by teams across Europe, America and Africa, edited in London and released in multiple languages and forms around the world. Special thanks to our our friends at Irresistible and Vaudeville for helping turn it around so quickly.
10.04.14 / GARY BARLOW: SINCE I SAW YOU LASTChristieHQ produced the opening sequence to Gary Barlow's arena tour. Directed by Mike Christie, the film plays across five giant video screens in the aspect ratio 80:9 which presented its own unique production challenges. Based on an interview between Christie and Barlow, two sequences were shot for the film, cut together with archive and music by the man himself. More on the Tumblr page.
17.03.14 / FROM STOKE MANDEVILLE TO SOCHIOn March 1st, 2014, the Paralympic Heritage flame was re-created at a firey ceremony event at Stoke Mandeville, England, before it's journey to Sochi and the March 7th opening ceremony. ChristieHQ produced a film for both events: I Am The Flame was written and directed by Mike Christie and narrated by Sir Ian McKellen. Two versions of the film were made: the first told the story of the birth of the Paralympic movement at Stoke Mandeville, and this film opened the flame event at this historic place. The second version was used at the opening ceremony - and as part of the live global broadcast, shown on Channel 4 in the UK - to herald the arrival of the flame at the Sochi stadium. The film cites a vital declaration of human rights, hopefully appreciated by at least one key member of the Sochi audience; the Russian president himself...
02.12.13 / NEW WEBSITESWelcome to the new ChristieHQ website. Films and content take centre stage, as they should! Mike Christie's work is now featured on his own website accessible via the link on the left. Thank you to art director Alex Goodman and programmer Brett Stowe for their great work.
02.12.13 / THE MAKING OF IMAGINATE: THE DOCUMENTARYThe success of Imaginate has been extraordinary: in five months Danny MacAskill's stunning film has already accumulated nearly fifteen million views between YouTube and Red Bull's site. From start to end, the film was two years in the making and the whole process was captured for an hour long documentary which will be shown on Dave at 8pm on Tuesday, December 3rd. A ChristieHQ production for Red Bull Media House.
18.06.13 / ENTER THE MIND OF MACASKILLThe wait is over: Danny MacAskill's genius new riding film - Imaginate - is finally out. A ChristieHQ production for Red Bull Media House, 18 months in the making and a 3 month shoot. We think it's worth it. Watch it here.
08.04.13 / DANNY MACASKILL: IMAGINATEWe're proud to announce that ChristieHQ is in the end stages of completing a massive new project for Red Bull. Over a year in the making, it's called Imaginate and it's an utterly unique film... Take our word for it! Based on Danny's concept, the film, produced by Mike Christie and directed by Stu Thomson, will be released later this spring. In advance of that, we've also produced a six part series for Red Bull covering the last 15 months of Danny's life and the build up to and making of Imaginate. See the trailer, episodes and the riding film itself - as they become available - here on Red Bull's Imaginate site.
14.09.12 / THE CEREMONY FILMSAfter an exhausting but exhilarating few months, our work on London 2012 is nearly complete. We made the opening films for both Paralympics Games ceremonies as well as films for other parts of the opening ceremony and we've uploaded some clips of the films. The full length version of Look Up can be seen via Channel 4's YouTube page. We're now working on the official 'legacy' films of all four Olympic and Paralympic Ceremonies, along with the official behind the scenes film... then it's finally over. Phew.
10.07.12 / LONDON 2012: CEREMONY FILMSWe're in production on a set of films for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The films - by directors Lou Birks, Ted Evans, Bim Ajadi and Mike Christie - will be shown in the Olympic Stadium at the Ceremonies and as part of the global broadcasts. We can't say much more than that just yet, but we're both humbled and excited. Watch this space.
21.06.12 / LIFE ON THE EDGEOur latest documentary - Daredevils: Life On The Edge - will air on Monday July 2nd, 2012, 10pm on Channel 4. The documentary follows trials rider extraordinaire Danny MacAskill on a journey into the lives, sports and minds of some of the world's most extreme risk takers. The documentary is accompanied by a series of ten short online films - Danny's Ten Rules - which are being released daily in the run up to the documentary broadcast.
16.03.12 / DANNY MACASKILL CHANNEL 4 SPECIALWe are happy to announce that production is underway on a new documentary and online project reuniting Concrete Circus star Danny MacAskill and director Mike Christie for Channel 4 Education. In the film, Danny explores the world of high risk sports. The production is based in the Glasgow office of ChristieHQ and is a co-production with Renegade Pictures. The project is expected to air early summer 2012.
08.12.11 / RANDOM ACTSChristieHQ delivered a series of five shorts to Channel 4 Arts Dept. They were curated by Mike for the Channel's Random Acts strand. Check them out: Move, Stunt Poetry, Chaps On Tour, Grinding The Crack and IRC Dance Movement.
28.07.11 / THE SECRET LIFE OF BUILDINGSThe first ChristieHQ/Renegade Pictures collaboration begins airing on Monday, August 1st, at 8pm on Channel 4. The first episode - "Home" - looks at the impact of the architecture of where we live on our psychology and physiology. Time Out say "Shows about architecture stand or fall on their photography, but presenter Tom Dyckhoff has got himself a terrific crew for this engaging and gently provocative new series aimed at changing how we view the structures around us... Slickly constructed."
09.05.11 / CONCRETE CIRCUSChristieHQ is delighted to be able to announce this exciting new project - a unique film about a handful of extraordinary performers and their filmmakers, in the worlds of Parkour, Skateboarding, BMX and Urban Trials. More details on Channel 4's website. The film is produced and directed by Mike Christie for ChristieHQ and Renegade Productions and features in the C4 Arts Street Summer season.
04.01.11 / INSIDE INCREDIBLE ATHLETES / BROADCAST AWARDThe film - which Mike Christie produced and directed for Renegade Pictures and Channel 4 - is a finalist for Best Popular Factual Programme. The Broadcast Awards take place on Feb 2nd, 2011.
20.08.10 / INSIDE INCREDIBLE ATHLETESMike Christie's Inside Incredible Athletes airs on Channel 4, at 9pm, on Sunday August 29th. The TX marks the date that the Paralympic Games opens in 2012. There's more on this in this Behind The Scenes piece from Broadcast magazine.